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2023-24 School Year Office Hours
Virtual office hours by appointment: 
Please email me at: to request virtual or in-person appointments

office hours:
 Upcoming:  Tuesday, December 12, 3-5pm in the District Office Conference Room, 201 6th Street, Coronado


With the 2023-24 school year in full swing, I want to hear* from you!

Whether you are a parent, student, teacher, staff member, administrator, or community member, your thoughts matter to me.

I want to know - do you think our schools are as strong as they could be?  If not, why not?  If so, how so?  

I truly believe that we can find common ground--starting with our shared desire for ALL students to feel supported and succeed--to build consensus around the right ways to move forward.

To reach that end, I would love to know your varied perspectives on the good and the challenges in CUSD.  Even more, I'd love to hear your proposed solutions, along with what questions you want answered and concerns addressed by your Board.

Please stop by any or all of the office hour sessions to say, “Hi!” and share your thoughts, questions, or concerns, as well as listen to our community members’ varied perspectives.  Let’s seek understanding and solidarity.

Thank you for your time, your trust, and your voice,


*In accordance with the Brown Act, please understand that I am prohibited from certain types of speech regarding an upcoming agenda item.  These office hours are intended as a listening and information-gathering exercise for me to best understand your points of view. Please keep this in mind if I  appear non-commital or unable to answer questions directly.

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